More than two in five (42%) shoppers who discover item at one retailer site, purchase from a different retailer site

How often do shoppers stay vs choose competing retailers?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

Shoppers often switch retailers after browsing, with Latin America leading at 46.2%. The UK and Europe also show high switching rates, while the U.S. and Asia have steadier conversions. Retailers can improve engagement, personalization, and streamline purchasing to increase loyalty and guide customers toward completing their purchases.

Seven in ten (70%) shoppers always or regularly use social media for inspiration

Do shoppers use Social Media for inspiration and purchasing?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

The insight brief explores global social media shopping trends, revealing that regions like Asia lead in direct purchases, while Latin America has high inspiration but low conversion. The U.K. shows the least social media engagement. Brands can tailor strategies to boost engagement, streamline purchases, and create targeted, region-specific content.

Top reasons for returns include receiving the wrong or damaged product

Why do shoppers return products? Uncover the reasons across regions.

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief analyzes global return data, highlighting key reasons such as wrong variations, damaged goods, and poor quality across regions. It offers actionable insights for e-commerce and retail brands to reduce returns by improving product accuracy, enhancing quality control, and creating clearer product descriptions tailored to specific regional needs.

More than seven in ten (73%) shoppers prefer return labels included with delivery

What Are Shoppers’ Preferred Ways to Get Return Labels?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief examines global shopper preferences for receiving return labels. It reveals that most shoppers prefer labels included with their purchase, with variations by region. Key insights for e-commerce and retailers focus on tailoring return options, creating region-specific content, and guiding shoppers toward purchase by enhancing the return experience.

More than four in five (82%) shoppers say it is important to have end-to-end tracking when the purchase is a gift

What purchase scenario demands end-to-end tracking amongst shoppers?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

The insight brief explores global consumer preferences for end-to-end tracking across low-value, high-value, and gift items. Latin America leads with over 90% valuing tracking, while Europe shows the lowest interest. North America, Asia, and Australia have consistent tracking expectations, with varying importance placed on gift tracking in the Middle East and Africa.

More than four in five (83%) shoppers say it is important to have end-to-end tracking

How important is end-to-end tracking to shoppers across regions?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief analyzes shopper preferences for end-to-end tracking across regions. Latin America and the Middle East show the highest demand for tracking both domestic and international purchases. Retailers should prioritize transparency, clear communication, and region-specific strategies to build trust, engage customers, and increase conversions through reliable tracking solutions.

More than 9 in 10 shoppers (95%) globally abandon their basket due to the lack of their preferred delivery option.

What share of shoppers abandon shopping carts when preferred delivery option is missing?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief explores how over 9 in 10 global shoppers abandon their carts due to unavailable delivery options. It highlights regional differences, with Asia, Canada, Europe, and Latin America showing the highest rates. Businesses must offer flexible delivery options, clear shipping policies, and tailored marketing to reduce cart abandonment.