More than seven in ten (73%) shoppers prefer return labels included with delivery

What Are Shoppers’ Preferred Ways to Get Return Labels?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

Data Highlights

  • More than three-quarters of shoppers in the Middle East and Africa prefer a returns label included.

  • About four out of five shoppers in Asia also want a returns label included.

  • Around three-quarters of shoppers in Latin America want their returns label included.

  • Canada has the lowest percentage of shoppers who prefer a returns label included, at just over two-thirds.

  • Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom show similar preferences, with around 68-69% wanting the label included.

  • Australia has a slightly lower preference for a returns label included, at just over 71%.

  • For printing labels at home, Canada has the highest percentage at 29%.

  • Latin America has the smallest group preferring to print labels at home, at just under 20%.

  • A small fraction of shoppers, around 7-9%, prefer to print the label in-store across all regions.


Understanding customer preferences is critical for e-commerce and retail success. One key aspect of the post-purchase experience is the return process. How shoppers prefer to receive return labels can impact their overall satisfaction and brand loyalty. This insight brief analyzes global data on how shoppers want their return labels and breaks down these preferences by region.

Global Preferences for Returns Labels

Shoppers have clear preferences for how they want to get return labels. In many regions, the majority of shoppers prefer to have the label included with their purchase. The Middle East and Africa stand out, with four out of five shoppers preferring the label to be included, at 81.8%. Asia is not far behind, with nearly 80% of shoppers sharing this preference.

While this reflects a global trend toward convenience, some regions differ in their preferences. Let's examine these differences in more detail.

A Slight Drop in Latin America and Australia

Although preferences for included return labels remain high in Latin America and Australia, they slightly fall behind the Middle East and Asia. In Latin America, three out of four shoppers want the label included, while in Australia, just over 71% share this view.

These numbers still represent a majority, showing that convenience is important globally. Yet, as we move into regions like Europe and Canada, the trend begins to shift.

Europe, the U.S., and the U.K.: Consistent Preferences

In Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom, preferences are consistent. About 68-69% of shoppers in these regions prefer their return label to be included. These figures are lower compared to regions like Asia and the Middle East, but they still show a strong leaning toward convenience.

However, in Canada, just over two-thirds of shoppers prefer the included label, which is the lowest among the regions. Despite this, a notable portion of Canadian shoppers prefers another method—printing the label at home.

Home Printing: Canada Leads the Way

In Canada, 29% of shoppers choose to print their return label at home. This is higher than any other region. Following Canada, Australia also shows a higher-than-average interest in home-printed labels, with nearly 23% of shoppers opting for this method.

However, Latin America stands in contrast, with only 19.5% preferring home printing. These differences highlight the importance of understanding region-specific preferences.

In-Store Label Printing: A Small but Present Group

Although it's a smaller group, shoppers who prefer to print their return label in-store show a consistent presence across regions. The percentage remains low, with 7-9% of shoppers opting for this method in all regions.

This group, while small, suggests that some customers still value the in-person option, potentially for convenience or assistance during the return process.

Insights and Opportunities

This data provides key insights for e-commerce, retailers, and consumer brands on how to enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Tailoring Return Experiences by Region: Different regions show different preferences for how they get return labels. To improve customer satisfaction, companies should offer multiple return label options based on region-specific preferences. For example, in the Middle East and Africa, providing a returns label with the package could enhance the customer experience.
  • Crafting Content and Ad Creatives: Use these insights to craft region-specific content and ads. In Canada, emphasize the ease of printing a label at home. In the Middle East, focus on the convenience of receiving the label with the package. Highlight how your brand makes the return process simple and convenient, based on regional needs.
  • Guiding Shoppers to Purchase: Offer clear return label options during checkout to cater to regional preferences. In regions like the United States and Europe, presenting both included and home-print options may help build trust and reduce hesitation. Brands can also highlight the convenience of the return process in product listings and during the checkout process to ease concerns about making a purchase.

Understanding these preferences can lead to higher customer satisfaction and a more personalized shopping experience. By adapting to regional trends, e-commerce and retailers can boost brand loyalty and streamline the return process for their customers.

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