Shoppers (43%) Favor Review Request Emails for Post-Purchase Outreach

Which Channels Do Shoppers Prefer for Post-Purchase Brand Outreach?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

The insight brief reveals that review request emails and text messages are the most preferred channels for post-purchase brand outreach among shoppers. It emphasizes the importance of personalized, direct communication to encourage customer feedback, highlighting opportunities for businesses to enhance engagement and foster stronger connections through preferred communication methods.

Almost Half of Shoppers Prefer Consuming Reviews Over Submitting Their Own

How likely are Shoppers to Read and Write Online Reviews?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

The insight brief reveals that nearly half of online shoppers prefer reading to writing reviews, though many are willing to share opinions when asked. It suggests e-commerce platforms encourage review submissions and engagement, highlighting the importance of user-generated content in guiding consumers towards informed purchasing decisions and enhancing the shopping experience.

Percent of Shoppers by what they look for when going over User Generated Content on Product Detail Page by Age

How do different Age Groups differ when looking at User-Generated Content on Product Detail Pages?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief reveals how different age groups prioritize aspects of user-generated content (UGC) on product pages. While value for money and product description accuracy gain importance with age, the interest in material quality remains consistent across ages. Younger shoppers focus more on the real-life appearance of products.

Percent of shoppers by what they look for when going over User Generated Content on Product Detail Page

What Do Shoppers Seek in User Generated Content on Product Detail Pages?

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief examines how shoppers value user-generated content (UGC) on product pages, focusing on aspects like value for money, material quality, product description accuracy, and real-life appearance. Highlighting UGC’s critical role in e-commerce, it emphasizes the need for brands to feature authentic customer experiences to build trust and guide purchase decisions.


Captivating Shoppers: The Power of User-Generated Content on Product Detail Pages

freddie.benjaminShopper Path To Purchase

This insight brief explores the critical role of shopper-generated content in online purchasing decisions. It highlights that shoppers trust and engage deeply with user-generated content, spending significant time on it, especially for costly items. The data suggests that incorporating both user and brand-generated content on product detail pages can enhance trust and relatability, influencing shopper behavior.